What's inside your Offset coating station? Profits or Problems?

Apex offers the Next Generation Anilox & Metering rolls for a smooth Offset Coating application. These have following features in common:

  • Easy Plus & Play Concept; a strong lightweight aluminium Core base includes bearings, tooling and mounting, making your roll production ready.
  • Low life cycle costs; because of an ultra-durable wear-resistant ceramic layer.
  • Shorter delivery times, through Apex stock program

Apex manufactures conventional anilox rolls with a pulse laser, using the UltraMelt technology that melts the ceramic after engraving leaving an extremely smooth ceramic layer behind. Our benefits are:

  • Optimal coating release;
  • Guaranteed coating release;
  • One stop shop for all your anilox specifications
    (positive, tri-helical, elongated, hexagonal ánd GTT).

GTTOFFSET is the successor to conventional anilox rolls. The open-slalom coating channel geometry sets your coating free. The Superhard non-wetting hybride ceramic trounces porosity and the constant beam laser engraving guarantees an ablating consistent and precise channel. It is a proven and patented technology.

GTTOFFSET benefits:

  • Maximizing the visual coating result
  • Boosting of profitability
  • Easy GTT Profile selection.

Apex products are approved of by all leading machine manufacturers in the Flexographic as well as the Offset industry.


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